Setting up the tech for your online offer is giving you a serious headache…right?
Well, lady, you’re in the right place.
You’re dreaming about growing your business, and so you’ve probably been thinking long and hard about introducing an amaaaazing new offer to the world so you can go out there and make some serious impact and change for the better.
(And obviously, bring in a fabulous new income stream at the same time.)
Yet...getting your offer out there and up online, actually setting up the tech and making it into a real thing that you can tangibly sell to the world, feels frigging hard, amiright?
But let’s face it, you could have the best idea for a package, or programme, or 1:1 in the whole wide world… but if no-one knows about it, can’t find it, or can’t use it, then paying for it just isn’t going to be on your ideal client’s radar.
And that’s a problem.
I get it.
And that’s where I can help.
I’m Nina.
And I love tech.
So much so that I’ve built my whole business around providing tech support to help you launch your services and sell like the star that you are.
If you’ve got your offer and the copy, then I’ve got the tech know-how to make all of those grand plans of launching your new offer into the world so it makes you the money you want a freaking dream come true.
Ready to serve up something delish that your clients will love?
Welcome to my Tech & Mix Menu
(it’s kinda like Pick & Mix, only sweeter.)
Below is a whole menu of tech goodies to choose from to create your very own dream launch package.
You select what you think you’ll need from the menu below based on your plans to launch; I’ll crack on and create the goods to help you serve up something your clients will absolutely LOVE.
Take what you need.
Leave anything you don’t.
Custom entirely to YOUR vision.
What’s not to love?
The Lead Magnet Package:
A done-for-you Lead Magnet package to help you build your audience, and increase your leads. Pique your ideal client’s interest with something they can’t ignore.
Nice and simple systems
A custom build of your lead magnet to bring your dream to life.
A custom build out of your landing page to build trust and credibility as soon as your visitors hop onto the page.
Nurture sequence automations to help your new email sign-ups become warm and invested fans of you.
The Course Support Package
The ultimate choice for coaches with a 1:1 programme, or module-led course…(who want their offer to look and work just as amazingly as the value they’re serving up)
Full sales page build out or landing page build out (using your copy for your programme or course) so your offer not only looks great, but the whole process of signing clients is smoooother than a good flat white.
Fully integrated payments to make sure that you get paid quickly and easily, and that it’s a breeze for your clients too.
Email integration to welcome in your new, shiny clients to your world.
The Launch Support Package:
A done-for-you and with you support package. 6 weeks of support to make your launch easy and give you your headspace back!
All the tech support you need for your launch plus a kick off meeting
A custom build out of your sales page to build trust and credibility as soon as your visitors hop onto the page.
Email sequence automations to help your new customers naviagate their way round
Full accountability and support - I am on hand for 6 weeks to make this the best and easiest launch yet!
Frequenly Asked Questions:
What do I need to provide?
First and foremost, your grand plan and vision for your launch. I’ll need your copy for your offers and any imagery and branding you want including.
What’s the turnaround time?
You can expect a turnaround time of about 2 weeks.
How many revisions are included?
2 revisions are included in the pricing of my packages.
How does Tech & Mix work?
Choose from the above packages based on the needs of your launch. Pay for what you need, leave anything you don’t. Prices are per package.