Do you need a website to start Email Marketing?

In my opinion – no! (Other opinions are available!) I think that it is better to get started as soon as you can with your email marketing. And to do that, you do not need a website. Done is better than perfect, as they say! Whoever “they” are, but I think they have a point…

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Should you board the follow train?

I had another blog post that I planned to post but I wanted to add my view on the Friday Follow Trains that seem to be EVERYWHERE at the moment. I love Social Media for how you can network with anyone in the world. It’s meant I have connected with people in Australia and America,…

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How to schedule your social media posts

It’s the start of January and there are a lot of posts going around about getting organised etc etc. I don’t know about you but I do always start out with the best intentions but something always comes up! Your social media shouldn’t be causing you that much hassle or stress. There is a lot…

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Why I started as a Virtual Assistant

Before I had my son, I had such a different view on work/life and how things should be. I am sure that I am not the only one either. Thinking when I would have him, I would love dropping him off at nursery and heading off to do a full day’s work. But the reality…

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